From Astrofame
Skin Deep

1. Libra
Libra tops our list for the most superficial sign, and really, it shouldn’t surprise anyone. With Venus as their ruling planet, Libra people have a natural affinity to visual beauty in a way that no other zodiac has. While Libras know that looks aren’t everything, they tend to gravitate themselves towards attractive people, both in friendships and relationships.
The Devil's Advocate

2. Gemini
As people that like to be liked, it’s expected that Gemini takes a high spot on the list. Being one of the most flexible and extroverted zodiac signs, a Gemini will happily change their tune if it means getting someone else’s friendship. They will say one thing to one person and then give a completely different version of their opinion to another person, if it means more people will like them .

3. Taurus
Reliable and steadfast at best, but superficial and entitled at worst, Taurus is a mixed bag. While people of the sign are typically hard-working and grounded, they do tend to have a materialistic side to them which can boil over. When in these moods, Taurus can be difficult to deal with as they feel they only deserve life’s luxuries.

4. Virgo
For a zodiac which puts so much thought into things, it could come as a shock to see Virgo making an appearance. As such an intelligent zodiac sign, Virgos hold themselves to high standards and extend this to other people. They often judge people off first impressions regarding appearances or intellect, allowing these people little chance to change their opinion.

5. Leo
As one of the most loyal zodiac signs, there should be no doubt that Leos value morals. At the same time, Leos are also born kings and queens and need to receive the attention they deserve. Being such a dramatic zodiac sign, they’ll often do whatever it takes to be in the spotlight, even if sometimes they know that it goes against what they believe.