From Astrofame

People often mistake your determination and focus for coldness. Although, don’t worry too much Aries friends, we know you are not the ice kings or queens people sometimes perceive you as. Your steely focus is really impressive, so don’t sidetrack your ambitions because of other people.

Incapable of love-
Taurus people are demanding which can lead others to see Taurus’ as robots who lack a softer and more loving side. This is of course a huge misconception, Taurus people have hearts of gold and are in fact very warm. Keep being yourself Taurus!

Geminis are very passionate people and their enthusiasm means they love trying out new things and activities. Although, their passion is at times misconstrued as flakiness. The reality is Geminis have so much vigor and adore focusing their energy on several things, not just one sole activity.

Cancer people are very compassionate, soft and loving, if you have a Cancer friend, you’ll no doubt be able to confirm they are always there for you in times of need. Other people often see Cancer’s softer side as a weakness, but make no mistake about it, a Cancer won’t be walked all over.

Wise guy-
Leos are known for their independence and self-sufficiency, they love taking care of things alone when they can. Leo’s independent attitude often has people thinking that they are arrogant and better than everyone else, which of course couldn’t be any further from the truth.

Too career-driven-
Virgo people are very dedicated and they always give 100% to everything they do, especially at work. Their love of hard work sometimes has them portrayed in a bad light, so let’s set the record straight! Virgo people do have lives outside of their offices, they’re not all work and no play.

Needs to be the center of attention-
Libras are always there for their friends when they need a shoulder to cry on, you really can count on a Libra to support you and see you through the hard times. Libra's kindheartedness and willingness to support other people can mean they are seen as push overs or as gossips who love drama.

Always want to be on top-
When we think of Scorpio people, the first adjective that comes to mind for a lot of us out there is ‘fearless’. Scorpios are typically seen as brave and tough, however the truth is they do have moments where they experience hurt and sadness just like everyone else, they aren't robots!

The most common mistake people make about Sagittarians is that they have their lives totally figured out and that they have a solution for everything. Sagittarians in fact love being free and just going with the flow, they actually hate planning.

Capricorn’s pride and high standards can be mistaken for arrogance. Our Capricorn friends really aren’t overconfident and they really don’t think highly of themselves, they just loving doing things properly and taking pride in their work.

Puts up walls-
Aquarians are misunderstood as being cold and having walls up because they typically don’t like expressing their feelings and hate public displays of affection. Aquarians aren’t emotionless, they do have big hearts, but for them to let their guards down, you really need to get to know them.

People often mistake your quiet and timid nature as an invitation for them to walk all over you. But, make no mistake about it, our Pisces friends may not be the loudest, however they will definitely stand their ground and defend their opinions. They really are passionate and capable of standing up for themselves, so don't underestimate them.