By Kiki O'Keeffe, PureWow
If you get a little overwhelmed this April, here’s your one-word mantra according to your zodiac sign to keep you centered.
Aries: Yours If you’re locked in a power struggle, don’t apologize for fighting for what belongs to you. Just be sure to let go of what doesn’t.
Taurus: Value Your time and energy is more valuable than ever, and others might sense that. They may try to take as much of you for themselves as they can, but you need to know when to put your foot down.
Gemini: Social Spread your social butterfly wings this April and connect with friends from all corners. Livening up the company you keep will spark new connections and insights.
Cancer: Purpose It’s a privilege to be able to connect your everyday work to a higher calling, so try to find meaning in something you regularly do. If you can’t, change your routine.
Leo: Explore If you have the opportunity to travel, take it and don’t look back. It doesn’t matter where you go as long as you bring your curiosity…and a journal.
Virgo: Appreciate You don’t have to have reached the summit of your potential to give yourself some props. The distance between where you’ve been and where you’re at is impressive.
Libra: Commit Whether you’re beginning a new relationship or just experimenting with a bold red lipstick, commit to it wholeheartedly. It’ll look better that way, on both counts.
Scorpio: Lay Down If you’re ever asking yourself if you should keep working or go to sleep, choose sleep every single time. You won’t be you without it.
Sagittarius: Love It takes a strong, courageous soul to truly nerd out on what you love without shame. That would be you, Sagittarius. Step into your light.
Capricorn: Home You can’t control the fools around you, but you can at least be the master of your own little corner of the world. Luxuriate in the space you call home.
Aquarius: Push Finding a shtick that works doesn’t mean you’re done experimenting. Keep your wits and talents sharp by pushing beyond your comfort zone.
Pisces: Hope Dare to be a little optimistic about the good news you may receive this month. You never know what will happen, but you deserve to feel good now.