You’ve been dating your dude for a few years now, and things are going pretty fabulously. Sure, you’ve had your ups and downs
(what couple hasn’t?) – like when he failed to offer help with the soft
chicken tacos you made for dinner the other night. But even through the
petty fights, the occasional snappy remarks, and the Flamin’ Hot
Cheetos he left on the couch, you know that you two are 100% better
together. And guess what? He might just feel the same way, and could
even be looking to take your relationship to the next level—the very big next
level. You know, the one with the gargantuan cake, the fluffy dress,
and the drunk, dancing grandpa? Here are five signs your guy is already
picking out a sparkly gift just for you and your finger:
1. He’s going above and beyond.
took out the trash even though it was your turn; he cooked steaks to
make up for the chicken taco incident; he’s extra sweet to you when you
get home from work. WTF is going on?
Did he spend rent money on a new motorcycle?
that’s a (frightening) possibility, but if you’ve built a strong
relationship and marriage has been in the talks for some time now, he’s
most likely buttering you up for the big question. And that’s a hell of a lot better than a Harley.
2. He’s being sneaky.
You’ve noticed that he’s been disappearing more frequently to “run errands.” Before you think “OMG he’s cheating,” take
a ten-second breather and consider the possibility that he’s looking
for a high-quality jewelry shop (Zales just won’t do) or asking your dad
for his permission. He may even be organizing an epic flash mob. Dare
to dream.
And if you really can’t get past the thought that he
might be doing some bad s*** instead of picking out a tux? Ask him,
straight up. He might not admit to planning a proposal, but you'll know
by his response if he's being naughty or nice.
3. He’s dropping hints like Taylor Swift drops singles.
week he said he wanted to name his first son "Fred" (yeah, you'll work
on that). Last night he talked about how much he loves your parents. And
this morning, he said he thought you’d look really pretty in a fancy
Okay, this might all be in your head -- but the fact that
he’s thinking about kids, your parents and a ball gown gives you reason
to believe that he’s thinking about potential nuptials. Egg him on a bit
by gazing longingly at your ring finger when you know he’s watching.
4. He’s excited about a planned event.
He really, really, really
wants to take you to the beach—and you’re like, “OK … do I need to go
out and buy a new bikini or something?!” Or maybe he made dinner
reservations for Friday night and he wants you to wear that killer red
dress hiding away in the back of your closet, reserved only for super
special occasions.
And indeed, the occasion may just be super special.
If he’s dead set on the perfect location and time, he’s going to be
extra pumped and pushy for it. Just roll with it. Splurge on a new
bikini; don the crimson dress fit for a goddess. It could be your big
5. He’s getting his life in order.
knows that you two can’t get married until he improves his credit
score, and then, suddenly, you see that he’s actually working (really
hard!) to fix it. Or maybe you think he’s just not living up to his
potential in terms of career (you know he’s way too smart for his crappy job) and you catch him on SimplyHired.com when he thinks you’re asleep.
he’s working to improve himself, it may be because he knows good
family-men have their lives in order. Applaud his efforts by cooking
those chicken tacos all by yourself for the next three weeks. And while
sautéing the bell peppers, you can begin making mental notes of bridal
boutiques to check out.