By Adam Schubak, Redbook
It's not always easy coming up with new ways to woo that special guy in your life, but we've got some ideas to surprise him with for Husband Appreciation Day on April 20th. Whether you're a couple who prefers to keep it low-key by doing date night at home or you're more about getting out and experiencing the world together, here are a few suggestions for showing your husband a little gratitude.
Cook His Favorite Meal

We're not all gourmet chefs, but if Antoni from Queer Eye has taught us anything it's that perfecting one dish can go a long way. As the saying goes, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. If you don't even know where to begin, meal delivery services like Sunbasket are making it easier than ever to create something great in the kitchen.
Pack Him a Bag and Take Him Away

Throw some of his stuff into a weekender and surprise him with a weekend vacation somewhere - who couldn't use a change of scenery once in a while? No clue where to head? Services like Pack Up and Go will do all the work for you and you can both be surprised where you end up.
Indulge His Interests

One of the best things you could do in a relationship is find activities for you to share together. Whether that entails going rock climbing or picking up the other Nintendo controller, your relationship will be all the better for it. Not to mention how fun it'll be kicking his butt in Mario Kart.
Curate the Ultimate Binge-Watch

Revisit some of his favorite movies and/or TV episodes with the ultimate binge-watch. Try throwing both into mix. Sprinkle some episodes of The Office into a marathon of boxing and Bond movies...or whatever strikes his fancy.
Host a Party

No need to wait for a holiday or special occasion to throw a get-together with your friends and family. Find any excuse to bust out those fancy reusable party straws...then pour some drinks and make a toast to the man you love.
Get Him that Big Item He's Been Eyeing

All those times he not-so-subtly left his browser window open can finally pay off when you surprise him with that big-ticket item he's been hoping for. Maybe it's a slick pair of Italian leather boots or some stylish designer sunglasses. Whatever the case, nobody would be unhappy to received an unexpected gift.
Plan a "Franken-date"

Not familiar with the Franken-date concept? We kind of made it up...but he'll love it. Start with drinks and appetizers at one place, go grab entrees at another, then finish with dessert at a third destination. Sure, it involves a lot of running around but it's a fun way to hit up all of his favorite spots in one night.
Pamper Him

The two of you might have different ideas about what pampering means, but he'll love a day of grooming and relaxation. Send him to the barber shop for a fresh cut and a shave. Follow that up with a massage, either professional or take care of it yourself. He'll be putty in your hands.
Make a Playlist of Your Songs

Mixtapes may be a thing of the past, but the concept will never die. Whatever way you consume music these days, there's still a way to make a playlist. We recommended a nice balance of songs that hold special meaning to your relationship, plus some newer additions that you've been bopping to on the radio lately.
Do Nothing

It might seem like there's nothing romantic about doing nothing, but sometimes the best thing you can give your partner is a little rest and relaxation. Being in a relationship requires the melding of two social calendars and finding the time to just chill isn't easy. He's bound to appreciate you scheduling time to just laze about for a while.