By Sophia Mitrokostas, INSIDER
- The internet is full of romantic stories of love and thoughtfulness.
- Here are a few of the sweetest things husbands have ever done, according to Reddit.
- They range from simple to over-the-top.
Romance shouldn't stop at the altar. Sometimes it's the big romantic gestures that keep the spark alive in a marriage, but often it's the little things that spouses do that remind you why you love them.
INSIDER combed Reddit to find the sweetest things husbands have ever done for their partners. Though we can't independently verify each story, they're pretty much guaranteed to melt your heart.
'I still have all the notes and they always cheer me up when I'm down'
"I was listening to a TV interview of this hot actor saying that he tells his wife he loves her 10 times a day. I jokingly asked my hubby why he doesn't do that for me! The next day, he hung 10 Post-It notes over the bedroom doorway with little messages saying 'I love you.' The following day, he hid the 10 notes all around the house. I did the same thing to him. I still have all the notes and they always cheer me up when I'm down." - Redditor GummiesAreAwesome
'That was easily the most romantic thing he's ever done'
"In 2003 my husband was deployed to Iraq. Every week he would call me for a 20-minute phone call. I mentioned to some of the other wives that he was calling me weekly. They got upset because they hadn't heard anything from their husbands. Come to find out, my husband had been waiting in line for four hours for that 20-minute phone call. To me, that was easily the most romantic thing he's ever done." - Redditor Laceyfromcali
'He's tired and cranky, but d-----, he loves his wife'
"We have a lot of early-morning regulars who aren't always happy about being early-morning regulars. This one regular comes in every morning, orders a large green tea, and is just [grumpy] and non-communicative.
"So our grumpy green tea man came in this morning … and something magical happened. He thanks my opener and starts talking about how it isn't his favorite thing in the world to be up this early, but he's gotta take his wife to work, before going to work himself a few hours later.
"And then we realize - he never drinks the tea he gets. He always walks out and doesn't even sip. He comes in here every morning at 6 a.m. to get his wife a tea before taking her to work. He's tired and cranky, but d-----, he loves his wife." - Redditor lazerdingus9000
'No one had ever been so nice to me without expecting something in return'

"My first boyfriend about 16 years ago (and now husband) once got up during the night to drive to the airport and get me McDonald's just because I had a craving. I wasn't even pregnant, he just wanted to give me everything he possibly could. Up until that point in my life, no one had ever been so nice to me without expecting something in return," - Redditor Tublet.
'It made the whole week so much better'
"I have the sweetest husband in the world. I was having a very rough week at work so he went to Sally's and got me [nail] swatch wheels. It made the whole week so much better." - Redditor Ataris1596
'He'd been wrestling with whether or not he wanted me to read something he'd written'
"Last night, [my husband] came home from work and mentioned that he'd been wrestling with whether or not he wanted me to read something he'd written. He said, 'I wasn't sure at first, but now I think it'll be good for you.' So he pulled out his phone, opened up his notes, and handed it to me
"He had written the most beautiful letter to our future child. He talked about how he is so excited to meet them and see their face. He told them that I have a special light that only he gets to see right now and he's so happy that I get to be their mom and share that light with them.
"He mentioned how he's wanted them forever and that in an ideal world they'd already be 3 years old. And he concluded by letting them know that they are already so loved. I cried. Obviously," - Redditor oilymagnolia
'I can genuinely say life is so much better now'
"This isn't really a direct thing he did, but my husband made me feel OK with who I am. He is a confident, popular and sociable guy … and I just wasn't. After a dating a while, some of that seemed to magically rub off on me and I can genuinely say life is so much better now." - Redditor youdoublearewhy
'It made me blush'
"My husband looked over at me while we were driving and said, 'ya know, I'm pretty obsessed with you.' And it made me blush.

"We've been married for a year and together for seven and he says plenty of nice things. But this one got me." - Redditor Carlybar
'It's the times he randomly thanks me for being a good mom'
"Most recently, it's the times he randomly thanks me for being a good mom. He'll give me a hug and kiss and tell me how much he appreciates everything I do, and that I'm doing a great job with our daughter. Joke's on him though, he's a million times more amazing." - anonymous Redditor
'It's those little moments that remind me how lucky I am to be married to him'

"If the object of your mutual crush wants one of you but not the other, that's the way things work sometimes. Sometimes two friends are up for the same job or promotion, or career moment - and only one gets it," Masini told INSIDER.
She said it's not a bad thing to lose a friend if there's a good reason, but this might not necessarily be one.
"Difficult situations are not just challenges - they are opportunities to evolve and become more of who you really are," Masini said. "Friendships - and all relationships - need to be strong enough to endure today's challenges."
"My husband tucks me in every time I go to sleep. If he ever forgets and suddenly remembers he comes down and tucks me in gently and then kisses my forehead. It's those little moments that remind me how lucky I am to be married to him," Redditor NishaTB1997
'I could just close my eyes and catch my breath'
"When I was very pregnant, my husband wanted to go out and do something nice (I forget what it was). By the time I was all showered I was too tired to dry my hair and told him. He had me sit on the bed while he dried my hair for me. And I could just close my eyes and catch my breath. He did a good job of it, too. It was so incredibly sweet and I know he'd do it again if I ever asked him," - Redditor kraziazz
'It's so simple and silly but it's a big thing to me'
"Every morning my [husband] wakes up half an hour before me. He makes himself a cup of coffee and then prepares a pot of tea for me. Every day. If we have had a massive fight the night before and we end up sleeping in separate rooms, I always wake up to a fresh pot of tea. Every single day. It's so simple and silly but it's a big thing to me," - anonymous Redditor

'He showed up at my apartment with a new headlight for me'
"The one that sticks out the most is from when my husband and I were dating before we moved in together. I lived about 6 miles away from him, down some crazy busy streets with no streetlights and a gigantic hill.
"It was pouring down rain one night, and he invited me over after he got home from work. It was a rare night when I didn't have school work to do, but I didn't feel safe driving that night, as I had less than great tires and a headlight out. Not to mention the cops always hang out on a side street I would have to pass, and it was my driver's side headlight out.
"He showed up at my apartment with a new headlight for me and installed it under the teeny awning that barely protected him and the bulb from the rain. Then he said 'Now you can come see me whenever you want. Even if it's dark and rainy!' A few months later he went with me to get new tires for my car, and surprised me by paying for an upgrade." - Redditor sillyribbit