Why Being Single Is Awesome
By Olivia Jakiel, Purple Clover
With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, it’s hard to feel the love if you really want to be in a relationship. While people claim there are perks to being in a relationship (key word: claim), there are actually a ton of reasons why not being tied down is a wonderful thing. Read on to find out why being single — whether it’s on Valentine’s Day or any other time of the year — is actually the best.
You Don't Have To Compromise When It Comes To Netflix

“Yes, I would love watch another episode of anime with the 29-year-old manchild I’m seeing,” said no one ever.
You Can Sleep Diagonally Across Your Bed

Not only can you sleep in literally any position you want, you don’t have to share the covers or listen to a significant other snoring like a chainsaw all night. Oh, more peaceful sleep? Don’t threaten me with a good time, thanks.
You Can Eat Literally Anywhere You Want To

One of the best parts about being single is the fact that you can do anything you want — including not compromising on Mexican food when you were really craving sushi. In fact, as the wise little girl from the El Paso Taco commercials once said, “Por que no los dos?” Get both. Go wild. The sky's the limit.
You Don't Have To Put Up With Someone's Crazy Family

When you’re single, if you don’t want to see creepy Uncle Terry from a significant other’s family or go to their childhood house, you don’t have to.
You Have Less Drama To Deal With

Another argument about leaving dishes in the sink? More nagging about folding towels the right way? Nope, not here — not in this single-person’s house.
You Never Have To Be One Half Of A Couple's Halloween Costume

Is there anything worse than being forced to go to a party dressed as some superhero you saw in *Guardians Of The Galaxy* four years ago? Also, it’s time we all admit it: couple’s costumes are overrated anyway.
You Can Focus On Other People In Your Life

When you’re single, you can spend as much time with your friends, family, and loved ones as much as want to. Being single is a good time to strengthen your relationships with the people who matter most in your life.
You Can Spend The Holidays Anywhere

Read: not with your in-laws. Also read: on vacation.
Your Anxiety Dwindles

Being single means you don’t have to worry about what someone is doing all the time or if you’re “okay” in a relationship. All you gotta do is take care of and worry about yourself here, boo.
You Save Money

Paying for one dinner or one movie ticket is a hell of a lot less expensive than paying for two. That’s just basic math.
Your Schedule Is YOUR Schedule

Let’s be real here — most of us can barely juggle one schedule (our own), let alone plan around another person’s life. Being single means you can look out for YOU and your best interests — and sometimes that’s staying home and watching *Grey’s Anatomy* all day instead of attending your significant other’s recreational softball game they take way too seriously.
You Don't Have To Talk About Politics

Or any subject matter that you don't want to spend hours talking about, really.
You Can Decorate However You'd Like To

It’s true: you really don’t have to keep your significant other’s weird toy collection on a dedicated shelf in your living room if you don’t have a significant other.
You Can Listen To Whatever You Want To In The Car

Long gone are the days where you have to put up with listening to a carpool karaoke session of Maroon 5 songs, starring Your Boyfriend, who is most definitely not Adam Levine.
You Don't Have To Clean Up After Anyone

Wow, what a novelty. You’re only responsible for YOUR own mess. That’s crazy.
You Can Focus On Yourself

Sounds cliche, but when you’re not tied down in a relationship, you can really focus on yourself and what YOU want to do without having to consult a second party. Whether that’s starting the cookbook you’ve always wanted to write or taking an art class at your local rec center, being single is the best time to try something you’ve always wanted to do, with no one in the way to stop you.