Because it's actually a great thing for your relationship.
It's that time again…wedding season! And while you may be groaning that all of the events seem to be dictating where you'll be spending your vacations for the year, there are some really great things about being a part of someone else's nuptials—and we're not just talking about the open bar. Whether you got married months or even years ago, attending another couple's wedding can give your own relationship a boost. Below, see some of the positive memories and feelings it can bring up.
It reminds you of your own special day.
[post_ads]Remember that feeling you got when you saw each other for the first time on your wedding day? How you both made the same corny joke about “cleaning up nice," and how your friends and family kept telling you all night what an amazing couple you were? Your wedding day was one of—if not the—best days of your life so far, so any excuse to remember it is a good one. As you watch the bride walk down the aisle, remember what it was like seeing your own groom waiting for you with that big goofy smile on his face.
You can renew your vows, sort of.
While the ceremony gets the reputation of the most boring part of the wedding (it's up against cake and the Cupid Shuffle, after all), it really is the most important. And if you as a guest listen to it intently, you can really take away something from it for your own relationship. Often times the officiant will give advice to the bride and groom, or there will be an inspirational reading about marriage. Listen up! Even if you're knee-deep in wedded bliss, it's always good to be reminded of ways to keep your relationship strong. And when the couple is saying their vows, silently say them to yourself as a way of remembering what you promised your partner on your own big day.
It gives you a reason to dance.
Chances are, you're probably not hitting the club scene as much as you did when you were still single or dating, but there's something so fun and flirty about dancing with your S.O. in a crowd of people. Use the wedding circuit as a way to get closer (literally!) with your partner on the dance floor. Maybe you can even convince the band or DJ to play your song. Wrap your arms around your partner and stare into their eyes. It'll give you the warm fuzzies all over again, we promise.
Weddings are a chance to dress up, reconnect with old friends and eat and drink to your heart's content. Besides being a fun date night, they truly can help rekindle that flame in your own marriage, and that's icing on the (wedding) cake!