Today’s the last day of May, which means it’s our final day to celebrate International Masturbation Month. You probably think of masturbating as a solo act that brings you a heap of glowing benefits. While masturbating is all about you and your needs, that doesn’t mean its positive effects don’t extend beyond you.
Taking care of yourself sexually on the regular can actually do wonders for your sex life with someone else.
Whether it’s someone you’ve just started dating or a long-time partner, you might be surprised at how much your masturbation game can affect your vibe between the sheets.
Here are five ways masturbating more often can improve your relationship with your SO.
You become more in tune with your own sexual needs
You’re more sexually satisfied in general
Sexual frustration does no good for your relationship, so keep masturbating. The two of you will be happier for it.
Having orgasms makes you a better communicator
You’ll feel more confident and sure of yourself
The more orgasms you have, the closer you feel to your SO