Your wife is the love of your life, and you want to give her a gift that shows her just how special she is to you. But maybe when it comes to romance, you've probably dropped the ball more often than you've hit a home run.
No need to despair. You've got some romance in there somewhere. Let these ten gift ideas bring it to the surface. Most of these gifts require little cash, and all of them have the potential to melt her heart.
Become a Master Chef
Does your wife do most of the cooking in your house? Turn an everyday meal into a romantic date by taking the time to plan and create a menu just for her.
Start by identifying a meal that will tug at her heartstrings as well as make her mouth water. First, do a little brainstorming.
What is her favorite food?
What does she order when you go out?
What is her favorite style of food or favorite restaurant?
What foods were served at your wedding?
What did you order on your first date?
After answering some of these questions, begin formulating a plan. Whether you're recreating a meal you shared together or making something new, you'll want to include at least one main course, one side and one dessert.
If you aren't sure you have the culinary skills to pull this off, don't be afraid to ask for help. Talk to your mom, her mom or anyone else you know who can cook. You still get points for effort even if you must get a little help.
Create a Garden
This is a wonderful gift for a woman who enjoys gardening, flowers and being outside. It's especially great for newlyweds, but it is also a wonderful gesture if you've been married for a while.
Identify a flower or plant that is beautiful and grows well in the climate where you live. Rose bushes are perfect for this endeavor, but you could use anything that blooms each year.
Buy or order one plant for each year you've been married. Find some time when your wife is away, and plant these in an appropriate part of your yard. When your lady comes home, present your lasting gift and explain that you will buy her another one each year for your anniversary or whatever event you're celebrating. She'll feel your love every time she steps out into your yard.
Hire Some Help
Many women are overwhelmed with kids, work and the general chaos of life, and the truth is that many would happily choose a nap over a traditional gift. If this sounds like your wife, give her something she will cherish -- some help.
Call a cleaning service, and schedule a time for them to come clean your entire home. Better yet, book them once a week for as many months as you can afford. It might not seem romantic to you, but taking the responsibility of housework off her shoulders is a wonderful offering.
If your wife wouldn't want help with the house, maybe she would like some help with the kids? Hire a babysitter for a few hours after school, and let her have the afternoon for herself.
Or get a sitter for the weekend and take her out. Ask her how she would like to spend the day.
Extra Special Jewelry
Anyone can go out and buy a pair of pretty earrings or a necklace, but putting some thought into your jewelry purchase can crank up the romance exponentially. Take some time to shop for jewelry that has her in mind.
Here are some thoughtful ideas:
- a pendant with the birthstones of your kids
- a ring with your birthstone and hers set together in a circle or infinity symbol
- a charm bracelet with the initials of your children as charms
- a necklace engraved with your wedding date
- have the kids design a ring with her favorite gemstone
- design a pendant combining her initial and yours
- There are many types of jewelry that can be personalized. Think about what symbolizes your love and life together, and use that in the piece. Consider special dates, names of your children, birthstones and favorite color combinations.
Arrange a Kidnapping
This gift will take some planning, but it will be perfect if you do it right. For this escapade, you're going to need someone she really likes to spend time with such as her best friend or her mother.
Arrange to have that person whisk her away for some relaxing and therapeutic girl time. Pay for both her and her guest to visit a spa, see a movie, go to dinner, have drinks, tour a museum or anything you think she would love.
Many women feel guilty for taking time for themselves and will actually say no if you suggest that they spend some time with a friend. That's why it's up to you to take any concerns away by planning this without her knowledge. Between you and her bestie, you should be able to come up with something she will love at a time that won't knock her schedule too far off the rails
Make the Kids Disappear
Speaking of kidnapping, have you considered snatching up your own children for a few hours? Moms love their kids fiercely, but recharging is an absolute must when it comes to being a stellar parent.
Instead of buying a traditional gift for your wife, simply give her some time. Tell her that you're taking the kids out of the house for the day, and then go do it! Be sure to pick up dinner on your way home.
When you present this gift to your wife, think about what she would choose to do with her time alone. Buy her a book she's been wanting to read, or rent her favorite movie. Don't forget to bring her favorite snack and a bottle of wine.
Get Coordinated
One currently trendy but very romantic gesture is to give a gift that's been engraved with coordinates. Find out the exact longitude and latitude of the place you proposed, the venue where you were married, or the spot you first met.
Have those coordinates engraved on a piece of jewelry, a trinket box, a keychain, or any small gift. Every time she sees it, she'll remember exactly where she was at that significant moment in your love story.
Take this idea a step further, and make her a gift that incorporates the location of several important events in your lives. Think about using the coordinates of the hotel you stayed on your honeymoon, the hospitals where your kids were born, the first time you kissed or any moment that is meaningful to you.
Recreate Her Bouquet
Most women love getting flowers, but you can make that delivery even more special. Make your gift of flowers fragrant with romance by choosing flowers that are meaningful to your relationship.
Find a wedding photo that shows the bouquet your wife carried down the aisle. Take this to a florist who can make it come to life all over again.
When you send the flowers, be sure to write on the card that you'd marry her all over again.
The Second First Date
Bring back the first blush of romance by celebrating memories the two of you share. Make a date with your wife to take her to someplace special to the two of you.
Consider the significant events in your relationship and where they took place. You might take her back to the restaurant where you had your first date, the place where you met, the spot where you proposed or the place where you shared your first kiss.
If you really want to make the day romantic, prepare a tour of your relationship. Visit each of these places. It will remind her of the path she took when she fell in love with you.
A Simple Letter
One of the most romantic ways you can connect with your wife is through the expression of your thoughts and feelings. This gift doesn't require spending money but will be one of the most loving gifts you've ever given her.
With all the technology in our lives, letter writing is no longer a skill that people use. Take this opportunity to be unique and old fashioned.
Simply take some time to sit down and write her a letter about how you feel. It doesn't matter if you use flowery language or even perfect grammar. Just express what is in your heart. Chances are she will cherish this letter and keep it forever.
Look at these ideas and find one that is appropriate for her. Give them to your wife for her birthday, the holidays, Valentine's Day, your anniversary or just because you love her. She will feel absolutely adored, and she will adore you in return. Most importantly, it will show you don't take your marriage for granted!