By Francesca Di Meglio
Newlyweds Expert, about.com
You might have heard that you need to make your own luck in business. Well, the same is true for love - and marriage.
Sure, you are lucky to have met your spouse, your beloved, the one with
whom you decided to share your life. You could credit destiny or fate
or your friend who fixed you up or match.com. But you had a hand in this
meeting, whether you realize it or not. You were open to love and
willing to consider long-term commitments because you were ready. In
that way, you were making your luck. You were also smart enough to
realize that you had met a really cool person with whom you could be
vulnerable - and you went with it. Now that you're married, however, the
luck doesn't have to run out. You have to keep making yourself lucky in
love. Here's how:
1. Put yourself out there.
Just as an entrepreneur can't be lucky if she doesn't test her ideas and take them to market, you have to take part in your marriage. What I mean is you have to play an active role. Make time for your spouse, support him or her, especially when things are going wrong, and continue to woo. Yes, you must woo, even after you have convinced your husband or wife to marry you.Ultimately, you have to remain open to love and affection. To do that, you both have to be a part of your marriage and not a bystander to it. This sounds like a lot of hot air, I admit. But what I'm saying is that you can't take your love, your spouse, your marriage for granted ever. There's no chance to rest on your laurels. About once a day, you have to remind yourself you're lucky and do something - squeeze your spouse's hand or say, "I love you," - to show appreciation. If you make staying in love with your spouse a priority, you will stay in love. Now, that's lucky.