Whether you’re brand-new to the dating game or returning after a long absence, it’s important to stay on top of the latest do’s and don’ts of dating. There’s a lot of bad advice out there, much of it way out of line with what actually impresses women on a date. Times have changed, and woman don’t respond to those outdated, condescending “seduction” techniques that are still so popular among men.
So, what do women look for on the first date? What do they expect out of a potential partner? What are some ways you can improve your dating prowess? These 5 tips will cover those questions and more, so you can dive right into the dating game and feel comfortable, confident, and ready to get out yourself there.
5. Do Something Casual
So, what do women look for on the first date? What do they expect out of a potential partner? What are some ways you can improve your dating prowess? These 5 tips will cover those questions and more, so you can dive right into the dating game and feel comfortable, confident, and ready to get out yourself there.
5. Do Something Casual

In most cases, you no longer need to impress a date with a formal night out on the town. For acquaintances just getting to know each other, a casual setting like a coffee shop, bowling alley, mini-golf course or pub is a perfect venue to facilitate conversation and fun. Sometimes dressing up for a fancy dinner just seems like too much work, and not enough fun.
4. Don’t Talk About Your Ex
4. Don’t Talk About Your Ex

This one just doesn’t seem to click with some people: nobody likes hearing about your previous relationships on the first date. In fact, it isn’t really a subject you should address at all until you’re getting closer to relationship territory.
3. Be Nice To Your Waiter
3. Be Nice To Your Waiter

Getting some grub is a great way to get plenty of conversation time with a potential partner. But if you’re rude to the waitstaff, it makes you look selfish and immature. Being polite and respectful in any situation indicates you’re mature, confident, and most of all, datable!
2. Fasion Faux Pas: Inapproriate Attire
2. Fasion Faux Pas: Inapproriate Attire

Good fashion sense is less of a list of Do’s and Don’ts and more about knowing what kind of attire is appropriate for a given situation.
If you’re taking your date for a stroll on the beach, go for some nice shorts and sandals. If you’re hitting the town, make sure your dress and grooming reflect that. You should always put effort into the way you look, but know when to ramp it up or tone it down.
1. Practice Good Eye Contact
If you’re taking your date for a stroll on the beach, go for some nice shorts and sandals. If you’re hitting the town, make sure your dress and grooming reflect that. You should always put effort into the way you look, but know when to ramp it up or tone it down.
1. Practice Good Eye Contact

This is a tip that often gets abused. Making eye contact is important for establishing trust and indicating interest, but know when to look away. Excessive eye contact can make people feel uncomfortable, and come off as a little creepy.
There’s nothing wrong with looking off into space every now and then—just remember to make eye contact semi-frequently.
There’s nothing wrong with looking off into space every now and then—just remember to make eye contact semi-frequently.