6. Real Love isn't like the Fairytales.

Be careful with your ideas about what a relationship really is. You may be thinking that your Prince Charming is going to kiss you and then you will live happily ever after. Make sure you are ready for the time and energy a happy, and healthy relationship takes.
5. Don't try to control everything

Part of the beauty of a relationship is that a lot of things are spontaneous or out of your control. It is easy to feel a little bit possessive in a new relationship but it will only make it harder for the relationship to mature. You may be setting up your partner for trust issues and other problems that will cause your relationship to unravel later so just learn to go with the flow and enjoy!
4. Keep living your life.

It is so important that as you form your relationship that you are not giving it all your time and energy. Don’t stop your life and don’t expect your partner to stop theirs. You should still have hobbies and personal goals no matter who you are dating
3. Take your time to build.

There is no need to rush into anything. Let the relationship happen naturally as you build up love and respect for one another. Despite what the movies or tv shows may say, you don’t have to be in a rush for intimacy or commitment. You’ll know when you’re ready and so will your partner.
2. Set clear boundaries

You should never be involved with someone that pressures you into something or makes you feel disrespected. If you find yourself compromising your beliefs or comfort level for your relationship then it may not be a good idea. Make your boundaries clear with your partner and respect theirs. If you find that they still try to talk you into things that make you uncomfortable, it is probably time to end it
1. Pay attention

Your new relationship will need a lot of attention. Pay attention to your partner, get to know them and be an active part of your relationship. Learn their likes and dislikes, tell them yours. Get to know them like you would get to know a best friend