When coaching people in CrossFit movements, the essential tip I give people to help them see instant results is to give them a single instruction to focus on. Then when they're become good and comfortable at that one thing, it's time to add to their toolbox.
Thinking about things this way makes it more digestible. It keeps people from thinking of a thousand things they're doing wrong. Focusing on one thing always helps with execution of a more lofty goal.
I feel the same goes for working on communication. There are so many books and theories on how to be a better communicator; it almost makes things more confusing and difficult. Instead of results, you just end up with a headache.
In this short video, I will give you one thing to focus on when it comes to communication. Just one. And if you truly focus and execute it, you will be a better communicator. Guaranteed. It's literally one sentence. It can't get more simple than that.
If you're interested learning more about the essential qualities to look for when it comes to building an amazing, meaningful relationship, check out my new eCourse How To Spot The One & Create Lasting Love.
By John Kim | Mind Body Green