Are you wondering why your popularity quotient is low? Do you find it difficult to make friends quickly and easily? Here are 7 easy ways you can use to make friends and enhance your social life.
Be Good and Do Good
You will attract people toward you if and ONLY if you do good things. People will like you and want to get to know you if you radiate a certain amount of goodness from within. However, be careful not to give in to false advances of those who simply wish to take advantage of your generous and giving nature.
Pursue Your Hobbies and Interests
Whilst indulging in your hobbies and pursuing activities of your interest are amongst the best ways to live a more meaningful life, they are also helpful in meeting like-minded people. If you are fond of cycling and join a group that cycles on weekends, you are likely to make friends who have similar interests.
Share Your Knowledge
Learnt something new? Tell people about it. Gathered information on a subject of popular interest? Share it with others. This is a great way of reaching out to others who have similar interests, and of letting people know you are an open and friendly person.
Be Active on Social Media
Not that you should restrict your friends to the virtual space, but staying active on social media helps you share knowledge, ideas and thoughts online. This helps build a network of friends on various platforms, an association you can take offline at the right time!
Participate on More Events
Whether virtual or physical, taking part in events and activities of your areas of interest will ensure that you meet like-minded people and do things together.
Stay Positive and Happy
A happy demeanour is bound to attract people to you. Stay cheerful and think only good and happy thoughts. You will open up your mind and let happiness and friendship seep into your life naturally.
Stop Nurturing Grudges
The last yet most important way to make more friends is to not hold grudges. This will only help you build enemies and lose out on the meaningful relationships that you could develop.
It is easier to stay healthy, happy and friendly if you do things you love and find happiness in. People will get drawn towards you and help you build relationships that may even last a lifetime. So, go out there and have fun!
By Julius Choudhury