Enough about the qualities women want in their men. Men too, have their own aspirations. Even though it may seem otherwise, serious relationships are an important part of every guy’s life. Contrary to popular belief, there’s a lot more that a man seeks for than just outer beauty in a woman. Today, we tell you 7 things every man wants from a relationship.

Having Fun
While intimate conversations make for memorable moments, they cannot be all that there is to a relationship. We want the mundane to be equally involving. One of the main reasons why a lot of men are afraid to commit is because they fear the relationship will bring in stagnancy and boredom in their lives.
While intimate conversations make for memorable moments, they cannot be all that there is to a relationship. We want the mundane to be equally involving. One of the main reasons why a lot of men are afraid to commit is because they fear the relationship will bring in stagnancy and boredom in their lives.

Being Able To Do Things We Usually Wouldn’t
Now, of course the guy-time is very precious to us. But there are some things that we just can’t do with our best buddies. That is what makes a relationship an exclusive aspect of a man’s life. Yes, we do enjoy romantic dinner dates and late night movie-marathons with our dates once in a while.
Now, of course the guy-time is very precious to us. But there are some things that we just can’t do with our best buddies. That is what makes a relationship an exclusive aspect of a man’s life. Yes, we do enjoy romantic dinner dates and late night movie-marathons with our dates once in a while.

Excitement In The Bedroom
Bedroom boredom can often begin to wear off on a man’s interest in the relationship. Sex is important and we like it to be exciting, no matter how old it gets. A good sex life hints towards a great comfort level and the partners’ interest in each other. Simple things like trying out new positions and a little bit of spontaneity does the trick for us.
Bedroom boredom can often begin to wear off on a man’s interest in the relationship. Sex is important and we like it to be exciting, no matter how old it gets. A good sex life hints towards a great comfort level and the partners’ interest in each other. Simple things like trying out new positions and a little bit of spontaneity does the trick for us.

Lovers begin to distance when their conversations become dull and uninteresting. Men always look for that one girl who knows how to make conversations interesting, be it in person or over texts. The best relationships are those in which the partners never run out of topics to talk about.
Lovers begin to distance when their conversations become dull and uninteresting. Men always look for that one girl who knows how to make conversations interesting, be it in person or over texts. The best relationships are those in which the partners never run out of topics to talk about.

Independence And Space
No man wants a partner with a knife down his throat all the time. The first rule of any relationship should be – live and let live. A girl who has a life of her own and respects our space will not understand how much we love our guy-time, but will also have lesser things to nag about.
No man wants a partner with a knife down his throat all the time. The first rule of any relationship should be – live and let live. A girl who has a life of her own and respects our space will not understand how much we love our guy-time, but will also have lesser things to nag about.

Nothing impresses us men more than a woman who can make us laugh. We may never say it, but we’re always on a look out for a girl who is funnier than us.
Nothing impresses us men more than a woman who can make us laugh. We may never say it, but we’re always on a look out for a girl who is funnier than us.

Someone We Can Brag About
We’re not (just) talking about great looks. There is a sense of accomplishment men feel when they date an incredible girl. There has to be at least one thing about the girl that a man just cannot stop bragging about – her intelligence, her wisdom, her sense of humour or maybe something as simple as the way she makes him feel about himself.
By Ankush Bahuguna
We’re not (just) talking about great looks. There is a sense of accomplishment men feel when they date an incredible girl. There has to be at least one thing about the girl that a man just cannot stop bragging about – her intelligence, her wisdom, her sense of humour or maybe something as simple as the way she makes him feel about himself.
By Ankush Bahuguna