When a relationship begins, you don’t have to squint to find the thrills. The excitement of discovering your partner layer by layer is more thrilling than any other antics you may resort to. The mystery factor in new relationships often works wonders.
And then you get used to each other, for good or for worse. If you are among those couples looking for ways to reignite the passion, read on:
Make Your Sex Life Better
1. Quickies
Spontaneity works for everyone. Be it an actor delivering a performance on big screen or you delivering a performance in your bed. And when it comes to quickies, you don’t even need a bed. Just a wall may suffice.
2. Some Pain Of Pleasure
Ever spanked your girl? You have missed out on a lot if you haven’t. Whoever said that pleasure isn't anything without pain was probably getting a little tongue-in-cheek with the art of spanking. Yes, both spanking and biting (read: nibbling) are an art. You have to get the strokes right, and literally so. But make sure you don't offend her, just get her started.
3. Watch Porn Together
Now this is something that you can't force her into. Nonetheless, some visual action once a month will do both of you more good than harm. You do the research while she gets to enjoy (with you). Sounds too sleazy? That was just to convince you.
Bring Back The Amour
1. Get Cosy
Ok, before you think it is about sex (again), here is the truth. Relationships without the cute and cosy moments can get heavy. Even sex can get monotonous. How about planning a whole night of cinema or cyber-dating?
2. A Date In The Wild
You and your partner are surely missing out on the fun that lies beyond the bedroom if you haven't taken an opportunity to be out together watching the wildlife. Plan a trip to Corbett. Spend some time wild and free as you spend some time together experiencing the safari of your life.
3. How About Some Spa
You'll love the idea of soaking in the steamy moments during a steam bath. You'll even cherish the massage that will relieve both of you of the stress and tension. A spa session can make you feel lighter and better.
Making your relationship exciting is the only way to keep it alive. Don’t take half measures.
By Julius Choudhury
And then you get used to each other, for good or for worse. If you are among those couples looking for ways to reignite the passion, read on:
Make Your Sex Life Better
1. Quickies

2. Some Pain Of Pleasure

3. Watch Porn Together

Bring Back The Amour
1. Get Cosy

2. A Date In The Wild

3. How About Some Spa

Making your relationship exciting is the only way to keep it alive. Don’t take half measures.
By Julius Choudhury