There is something in taken men that women cannot resist. No, not single men who are actually available to date, but those who are already in a relationship with another girl. When you’re single, they would deliberately and repeatedly ignore all your little hints and signals, friend-zoning you at every step. But just as you begin dating, those girls suddenly find you irresistibly attractive. If you’re committed, you’re hot; if you’re married – even better! Whether you’re single or taken, you got to know why women like committed men.
Because You’re Beyond Her Reach

Women always want what is not meant for them. Advise them against something, and they’re ready to do it anyway. Have you ever seen a woman drooling over diamonds displayed outside showrooms – those that she may never be able to afford? The more out of reach you are, the more she is going to fawn over you.
Because She Thinks You Are Safe
Because She Thinks You Are Safe

You’re harmless. She can flirt all she wants without worrying about the consequences. She knows you’re taken and that is why she can talk to you freely about her feelings and lure you into the trap because even she knows that there is no way this can work out. Even if it does, it is only going to boost her ego.
Because She Always Hears Good Things About You
Because She Always Hears Good Things About You

Thanks to your girlfriend, you’re being spoken of fondly in front of every other girl. Girlfriends love to advertise their men, always. Your girl would make it a point to mention (read boast about) the University you graduated from, how you proposed to her in the most romantic way and how you once fixed the tyre in front of her. Of course, your performance in bedroom tops the list. You’re made into this hunk of a man every woman wants.
Because You’re Popular
Because You’re Popular

This is another benefit of being taken. Date a hot girl and you get some more hot women batting eyelids at you. Every girl compares her life to that of every other girl. They want to have what the other girl has. Since the day you entered in a relationship, you’re all that your girlfriend’s best friends are thinking about. From a single, unknown guy you’ve suddenly become ‘the man’ every girl desires.
Because It Boosts Their Ego
Because It Boosts Their Ego

Of course, women like to make a committed man go head over heels with her charm. It tells her that she is much more desirable than the woman next to you. If you lose your loyalty to your girl for this woman, it is obviously going to boost her ego! It’s a safe game. If you fall into the trap, she wins. If you don’t, then she can always blame it on your relationship status.
Because They Like Challenge
Because They Like Challenge

Women know how easy it is to make men fall for them. But taken men are a challenge. They might be content with their girlfriends or they might be the loyal ones who never cheat. But the risk quotient is what entices her into the act. She wants to know if you’re really happy in the relationship, and if you’re not, she knows her game well.
Because She Wants To Secretly Compete With Your Girlfriend
Because She Wants To Secretly Compete With Your Girlfriend

Girls compete, a lot! The day you proposed to your girlfriend was probably the day she pledged to strike back with a bigger bang. She wants to score a point by wavering you off the ‘committed’ track. Girls like to assume that they’re much better than your girlfriend. It’s a competition she wants to win, come what may.
By Ankush Bahuguna
By Ankush Bahuguna