The wonderful days you spent as a student are now over and sadly you have no option but to grow up. People begin to see you in a different light and all the amusing things you did in college will now cease to be socially acceptable. You’ll be independent in the truest sense, and your parents will be proud of you nonetheless. And since with age comes maturity and wisdom, we thought to share a few lessons about adulthood that will come in handy in your life henceforth. Here then are six things no man should do in his 20s.

Don’t rely on ready made meals
Yes, we know it was much easier to live off a diet of takeaways or better still- mum’s cooking. But times have changed, you’ve grown up and your metabolism seems to be ageing with you. And though it’s a tiresome task, you must cook a proper nutritious meal for yourself. Because let’s face it - pizzas or ready-made meals can limit your nutrition level, and in order to function every day, you need REAL food.
Yes, we know it was much easier to live off a diet of takeaways or better still- mum’s cooking. But times have changed, you’ve grown up and your metabolism seems to be ageing with you. And though it’s a tiresome task, you must cook a proper nutritious meal for yourself. Because let’s face it - pizzas or ready-made meals can limit your nutrition level, and in order to function every day, you need REAL food.

Don’t go to every party
Just because you’re invited, or because you best buddy expects you to be there, doesn’t mean you have to. In fact it’s all right to stay back with a good book or a good movie all by yourself. You don’t even have to be out there club hopping on weekends. Sit back, relax and catch up with yourself. Everyone needs an uneventful weekend once in a while.
Just because you’re invited, or because you best buddy expects you to be there, doesn’t mean you have to. In fact it’s all right to stay back with a good book or a good movie all by yourself. You don’t even have to be out there club hopping on weekends. Sit back, relax and catch up with yourself. Everyone needs an uneventful weekend once in a while.

Don’t leave your work until the last moment
We have all been there, stayed awake till 4 AM, drank pots of coffee, struggling to finish the college assignment. From now on, however, life will be hard. You’re up against the ruthless co-workers who won’t go down without a war. You’ll have to maintain your career as giving your second-best results won’t cut in anymore. It’s time you become proactive in your career.
We have all been there, stayed awake till 4 AM, drank pots of coffee, struggling to finish the college assignment. From now on, however, life will be hard. You’re up against the ruthless co-workers who won’t go down without a war. You’ll have to maintain your career as giving your second-best results won’t cut in anymore. It’s time you become proactive in your career.

Don’t sleep till 1 pm on a Saturday
As you approach 20s, people expect you to make the most of the day, and rightly so. Lying-in won’t make your day productive. You’ll have places to be, errands to run, friends to meet and things to sort. You are very busy during the weekday, so weekend is precious. Don’t waste it by sleeping till 1 or 2 PM in the afternoon. Seriously, those days are long gone.
As you approach 20s, people expect you to make the most of the day, and rightly so. Lying-in won’t make your day productive. You’ll have places to be, errands to run, friends to meet and things to sort. You are very busy during the weekday, so weekend is precious. Don’t waste it by sleeping till 1 or 2 PM in the afternoon. Seriously, those days are long gone.

Don’t just rely on WhatsApp
Take that expensive phone of yours and actually dial someone’s number, and no, calling to order food doesn’t count. Whatsapp is a great way of communication, no denying, but hearing another human’s voice on the other side makes for a nice change. So, pick up the phone and call your friends, you’ll be surprised to see how much everyone appreciates the gesture.
Take that expensive phone of yours and actually dial someone’s number, and no, calling to order food doesn’t count. Whatsapp is a great way of communication, no denying, but hearing another human’s voice on the other side makes for a nice change. So, pick up the phone and call your friends, you’ll be surprised to see how much everyone appreciates the gesture.

Don’t be afraid to be single
Staying single is not the end of the world, it can be rather awesome. All depends on how you embrace your singlehood. Enjoy your status to the best possible extent. Pick up a new hobby, learn to play a new sport and go meet new people every day. When you’re single you have all the time for yourself. So, do what you had always wanted. Cherish your singleness!
By Nikita Mukherjee
Staying single is not the end of the world, it can be rather awesome. All depends on how you embrace your singlehood. Enjoy your status to the best possible extent. Pick up a new hobby, learn to play a new sport and go meet new people every day. When you’re single you have all the time for yourself. So, do what you had always wanted. Cherish your singleness!
By Nikita Mukherjee