For most women, a courtship or a relationship is often about testing the man they are with.
And these tests are almost always done with the intention of being in control of the relationship.
Are men judged on the basis of mind game questions that women play?
The typical guy is usually clueless about the mind games women play. Here are the top six mind games women play in the dating world, explicitly deciphered just for you:
And these tests are almost always done with the intention of being in control of the relationship.
Are men judged on the basis of mind game questions that women play?
The typical guy is usually clueless about the mind games women play. Here are the top six mind games women play in the dating world, explicitly deciphered just for you:
Playing hard to get game
You like this particular girl, who refuses to neither move in nor move back. She sends all the right signals, but when you try and respond to them she just pulls back.
Why does she do it
This isn't always just a matter of her trying to present herself as a challenge. Most women are wary of getting into a relationship if there is an emotional risk involved. So she might be just testing the waters to make sure that you're worth the risk.
What you should do
If she's not clear about her feelings for you but is giving you the "I'm interested" signals, then show her you feel the same way. But don't overdo it, as you still want to remain a challenge. Just let her understand that there are a lot more grapes in the bunch so you can easily look elsewhere if things don’t seem to work out.
The waiting game
She had almost eagerly given you her contact information. And you tried calling her and even SMS’ed her asking her to get in touch and guess what she didn’t get back. Hours or even days may pass before she returns your call.
Why does she do it
It’s her way of biding her time so that she doesn’t seem too eager or interested. She doesn’t want to think that she can be had so easily.
What you should do
After a few days, you can call her up again just to make sure that she got all those messages. Keep your tone very polite but curt. Let her get the message that if she doesn’t respond this time, the game’s up.
The silent treatment game
She suddenly becomes as frosty as an orange slushy and you have no idea what you have done to arouse her wrath.
Why does she do it
She is upset or angry and feels you are responsible for it but she wants you to figure it out for yourself.
What you should do
When she behaves like this and refuses to communicate with you, chances are that whatever you did isn’t all that serious. Perhaps you didn’t notice her new earrings or wolfed down the chocolate cake that she had baked from scratch without appreciating and congratulating her for her efforts.
So instead of asking her again and again about where you went wrong, as this will only make her all the more frosty. The fact is that if you honestly have no idea where you had slipped you simply cant apologise. Give her the space she needs to cool down and use the time trying to figure out where you could have gone wrong.
When she feels ready to talk again she will approach you, glare at you with those big beautiful, make huffing sounds that would make her look all the more desirable. Just hold her and cuddle her and ask her where you went wrong and sincerely apologize no matter how trivial you think you error was.
The playing dumb game
She starts acting all confused and helpless and suddenly you find yourself driving all across the town, and wasting an entire day doing her bidding.
Why does she do it
This usually happens when she wants you to do something for her that she wouldn’t do herself. To get you to take care of it, she'll act dumb and play the "I don't know how to do that" angle.
What you should do
Be sure if she’s playacting or is genuinely in need of help. Though you can sometimes suck it up and do it yourself. But if you make a habit of it, then she will too. The best thing would be to teach her while you do it. This way, she'll have no excuse the next time around.
The "we need to talk" game
You come back from office dead tired and all you want to do is grab a beer, switch on the TV and chill. Then disaster strikes. Your girlfriend just makes her mind to suddenly start talking about her problems. Really pressing ones, that requires switch off the TV, put away the beer and listen to her.
Why does she do it
You are once again being tested by your girl, who wants to be sure where your priorities lie. She craves for your attention and she wants it now.
What you should do
While I know that you would rather watch the game it would be better to switch off the telly for a few minutes and focus your attention only on her. While what she wants to talk about might seem trivial as compared to the game you are watching, asking her to wait for the game to end may result in you having to sleep on the sofa that night.
Add to a huge tantrum, about how you no longer seem to care about her feelings. So even if India wins that wins that match the verbal lashing you would have to tolerate will completely kill the euphoria that you would have otherwise felt.
Sex for services game
She knows you want sex; you know she wants a pearl necklace, so for her it’s a fair trade. She'll often take advantage of this game when sex is on the line.
Why does she do it
Because we allow her to do it. Man, how dumb can you get.
What you should do
Depends on how badly you want to get laid. And more importantly, how legitimate her demands are. If she just wants you to spend the day entertaining her mother, then you should just suck it up and do it. Make sure she lives up to her end of the bargain and that she doesn't get used to this type of arrangement. You shouldn't always have to "do" something in order for her to agree to have sex with you.
The ultimatum game
The ultimatum game is all about pressuring you into making a commitment. She feels that you two have been dating for a pretty long time and expects you to make a stronger commitment. What she wants is you to prose to her. So if you aren’t ready to make the commitment she is willing to move on.
Why does she do it
She wants to get married to you.
What you should do
If you think that you are ready for marriage and can spend the rest of your life with this girl then ask her for marriage. But if marriage is currently the last thing in your mind then then just tell her that she would just have to wait for some more months/years. If she’s willing to wait then you have bought some more time for yourself, if she isn’t …celebrate because you are single again.
So there you have it, some of the many mind games that women have mastered over the ages. Devious, underhanded or plain stupid these tricks have worked for centuries and the only way you can tackle them is by being calm, using your common sense and refusing to be bullied or cajoled into doing something you don’t want.