Obviously there are times when continued petty arguments can signal an underlying problem. More often than not, though, disputes like these are part and parcel of long-term love, and they clear up by themselves after a few days of silence.
If you can’t stand not talking for that long, you could speed the reconciliation process by taking your significant other on a post-argument date. Of course, going out for a meal could be awkward if you aren’t talking. But, there are some fantastic dates which could heal the worst of petty rifts. And, we’re going to look at them here.
Axe throwing

Along the same vein, you could give paintballing a shot. This has the added benefit of allowing you to literally aim for and shoot each other. It’s a surprisingly therapeutic process for getting argument stresses out. And, once you’ve shot each other there’s a pretty strong chance you’ll end up play fighting among the hay bales. Ten Things I Hate About You, eat your heart out. There’s no way you’ll be able to keep grudges when you’re both paint-covered and giddy with love.Escape rooming
Admittedly, heading into an escape room when an argument is fresh could fast get rocky. All that problem solving could lead to even more arguing and, well, that could get awkward. But, if you think the argument has reached its cooling stage, an escape room might not be such a bad idea. The main benefit here, of course, is that you will literally be locked in a room together. That’ll make it challenging to keep up with that silent treatment act. Not to mention that you’ll be stuck in there until you come together to solve the problem like the power couple that you know you are deep down.Going on a date might seem like a strange thing to do just after an argument, but as you can see, it could be the best way to clear the air. Even if things don’t go according to plan, at least it’ll get you talking again, right?