From Mom.me
Keep Things Spicy

Sure, every married couple can relate to being too busy for sex, but it's tough to stay intimate when you're not getting intimate.
So, unless you're married to Sting or some other tantric sex expert, hitting the sheets with the hubs doesn't actually take that long. Carve out some time for sex and keep it interesting. If you're bored, so is he.
Show Interest in Each Other's Interests

Just because you're married doesn't mean you have to be attached at the hip. But it's harder to stay close if you're always apart.
While you may not be that into his favorite team, and he may loathe watching your favorite reality TV shows, bite the bullet and show interest in each other's interests. You never know, you may find you like it.
Schedule Date Nights

Every couple has constraints, whether it's time constraints or financial ones. But where there's a will to have a date night, there's a way.
Book your sitter or recruit a responsible friend or relative, and make it a point to schedule grown-up time with the hubs. You'll remember why you liked him so much!
Do Something Nice for Your Spouse

Yes, you're busy. But you're driving by the dry cleaner and you know she's got a closet's worth of clothing there. Why not swing by to pick it up?
It doesn't have to take a lot of time and effort to do something nice for your spouse. Plus, it could be fun.
Don't Fight About the Kids

You think he's too soft on the kids. He thinks you're a bit harsh. So, you fight about the kids in front of the kids, which leads to epic fights later.
Resist the temptation to let the kids come between you each and every time those darling little offspring of yours get under your skin.
Check In Throughout the Day

Even if you're having the busiest day ever, the kids are driving you nuts or a big client is in town, there's still time to spare to check in with one another throughout the day. It doesn't have to take long, but everyone can find the time.
Listen to Your Partner's Story

His work bores you? Check. The last thing you want to do after your long day is hear about hers? Check. Listen anyway!
Everybody wants to feel seen and heard, especially by the supposed love of their life.
Help Each Other With the Kids

Let's face it: There are certain times of the day, and certain events, that bring out the worst in one's kids. Which brings out the worst in their parents!
So, if you can help your partner out with those difficult kid times, like getting home earlier to help with bath time, or taking on some of the school runs, do it! Less stress equals happier couples.
Take a Deep Breath Before Getting Mad

Little things can easily become big fights when you're tired, stressed or just plain annoyed at your spouse. But sometimes those big fights can be easily avoided by stepping away, taking a breath and realizing whatever it was was not that big of a deal.
Breathe in. Breathe out. It's simple.
Celebrate One Another

There doesn't always need to be a reason to celebrate your spouse. Every now and again, make the day feel like a party.
Bonus, you get to have fun too.
Take Care of Yourself

Everyone's happier when they take care of themselves. And the more happy you are with yourself, the happier you'll be at home.
Plus, taking care of yourself inspires others to do the same. Your spouse will probably get the hint and take care of themself, too. It's not about becoming a size 6, but making yourself a priority so others do as well.
Do Something Thoughtful for Your Spouse

Being thoughtful doesn't have to be time-consuming or expensive, but it can have a big impact. So, make her favorite meal or leave him a love note for no particular reason.
A tiny thing can make your partner's day.
Get Silly!

If you can't remember the last time you and your spouse had a really good laugh, then it's definitely been too long.
Sex is important to a marriage, but laughter is, too. It doesn't take a clown nose or funny hat, just a good sense of humor. Ha!
Greet Each Other Affectionately

No matter how busy you are, or how crazy the kids are making you, take a moment to greet each other warmly at the end of the day. It's good for the kids to see Mom and Dad still like each other.
And it's good for you to remember that, as well.
Support Each Other's Goals Each and Every Day

When he's got a big project due that's kept him up all or night, or she's super stressed about juggling work and the kids, think about how you can support your spouse.
Maybe you come home a bit early to take the kids off her hands. Likewise, maybe he skips the gym in the morning so you have more time to finish your work. You're both on the same team, so it's important to act like it.
Give Each Other a Break

You don't have to be together all the time to be supportive and kind to your partner. Sometimes giving one another the time and space to see other friends or get out without having to worry about hiring a babysitter can go a long way.
Find ways to help each other pursue important friendships and hobbies, even if you can't tag along.
Eat Dinner Together

Even if one of you sits down with the kids for their earlier meal time, end your day with the most important person in your life: your spouse.
Dining together is an easy, relatively quick way to carve out time to connect with each other. Yum.
Touch Each Other

It may seem like a no-brainer to touch your own spouse, but it's not. Simply holding your spouse's hand or sitting close at the breakfast table can be an easy, kid-friendly way to connect.
Criticize Less

Sometimes we're so busy trying to get the business of life done correctly, we don't realize it sounds like criticism to our other half. And there's no bigger marriage buzzkill than feeling criticized.
So, instead of making marriage feel like one big Yelp review, think of how you are wording things. Better yet, save it. Not everything we think needs to be said out loud.
Say Something Nice

If you can't remember the last time you said something nice to your spouse, it's been way too long. Make a point of complimenting your spouse every day. Why not make your spouse's day?