By Nicole Yi, POPSUGAR
We've learned that passion (beyond just the bedroom) is what many women find most irresistible in a partner, but what do we consider as the biggest turnoffs? If you want to keep us interested, avoid being guilty of these eight things.
- [post_ads]Cockiness: There's a major difference between being confident and being arrogant. It's one thing to be self-assured, but when you have nothing to show for it, you're just all talk. Women are attracted to those with who've mastered the balance of humility and confidence.
- Lack of ambition: Strong women want a counterpart that's equally as motivated as they are. Though we're not at all opposed to being the breadwinners, we still seek a significant other with similar drive. We're not attracted to laziness, so keep up or get out.
- Bodily noises: Farting and burping become more accepting the deeper you get into the relationship, but refrain from introducing it too early on. If we're not there yet, don't let it out — at least not intentionally for humor. Nine times out of 10, it's not as funny as you think it is.
- Jealousy: Jealousy issues often root from a person's insecurities. If we're with you, trust that we won't do anything to jeopardize the relationship instead of projecting your own uncertainties on us. It's not cute to be with somebody who's overly possessive or who's constantly questioning our loyalty.
- Disrespect: Disrespecting us in any shape or form is never acceptable. When you mistreat us or anyone else for that matter, it says more about who you are as a person than anything else. If you think we're attracted to assh*les, you're mistaken. And, yes, sexist jokes count in the category of disrespect.
- Bad hygiene: Wash your hands often, shower, brush your teeth twice a day — is that so much to ask? The very basics of self-care should go unstated, but a little reminder never hurts.
- Overcontrol: There's nothing more infuriating than when a partner insists on having everything their way. Women are capable of making their own decisions and leading their own lives. We'll let you know if we need your help, but until then, please back off.
- Passiveness: Women like when their partners can contribute to the conversation. It's not attractive when you don't have a stance on a subject, are too afraid to express your thoughts, or simply just don't care. We expect you to respect our opinions, and you can absolutely expect the same in return, so don't be afraid to speak up. We find it very sexy when you're decisive or passionate about a particular matter, as long as you're also being respectful of perspectives outside your own, of course.