Welcome to the step by step tutorial on how to kiss a girl for the first time. We Provide some handy hints and tips to improve your confidence, your look and and ultimately your chances at scoring that first kiss with your special girl.
Step 1.
If you look good, you feel good. Your girl will appreciate you taking the time to look after yourself. Make sure you smell good and look good by following these tips:
- Take a shower, use a scented body wash and put on some clean clothes.
- Spray on a subtle hint of aftershave.
- Brush your teeth, be thorough. Stinky breath is a big no-no with first kisses.
- Use chapstick, this makes lips soft and kissable.
- Pop a mint to make breath extra fresh, don’t use chewing gum which could cause an awkward moment later.
Step 2.
Girls love a confident guy who knows what they’re doing and makes them feel secure. Don’t worry, relax. You’ve got this! Don’t shy away or avoid her eye contact. Be a gentle man, speak clearly and make eye contact. Show her that you’re comfortable with yourself and at ease and she will feel the same too.
Step 3.
Making physical contact with your partner is a great way to let them know you’re interested in sharing a first kiss and is also a great way to see if she is ready too. If she is uncomfortable with the physical contact this gives her the chance to back out and let you know she’s not ready yet. Don’t worry if she’s not, she may be very nervous and will want to wait until you two have spent more time together. Here are some tips to follow on getting close:
- Hold her hand.
- Ask for a hug.
- Snuggle up.
- If you’re walking together, gently touch her back.
- Lightly place your hand on her knee.
- Put your arm around her shoulders.
- Sweep her hair from her face and around her ear.
- Reach around her waist and gently pull her towards you. If she’s ready, she’ll get the hint and move in too. This is a perfect position for your first kiss.
Step 4.
After you have got close to your partner it’s time to start thinking about going in for your first kiss. If the thought of a kiss on the lips is still scary, then plan to tease her with a kiss on her cheek. This will help get rid of your nerves and any tension and is also a playful and sweet way to show your partner that you’re interested. If your kiss on the cheek goes well. You now know that she is ready for a kiss on the lips.
Step 5.
By now, you should be confident that she wants to kiss and the two of you should be comfortable and close. When you think the moments right, follow these steps for the perfect kiss:
- Make some eye contact and then look at her lips just as your bring your noses together to make sure you’re aiming for the right place.
- Close your eyes and slightly tilt your head to one side (whichever feels comfortable).
- Gently brush her lips over yours, keeping your lips soft and relaxed, not puckered.
- Don’t be worried about fancy technique with your first few kisses. Keep them short and sweet, you will find that your technique will come naturally the more you kiss.
- End it gently, give her a hug and enjoy this special and intimate moment.
Step 6.
The moment leading up to a first kiss is always a nervous time, especially if you’re about to kiss someone who means a lot to you. Here are 6 secrets to help you have the perfect first kiss:
- Get to know your partner and feel at ease around them by spending more time together.
- Location, make sure you’re alone, a public first kiss could make your partner feel awkward.
- Build sexual tension by sitting close and gentle touches.
- Avoid distractions and put your phone on silent.
- Touch, make sure you’re both completely comfortable with each others touch.
- Keep it clean! No one wants a sloppy first kiss.
Arrange by Julius Choudhury