It’s difficult to come to terms with a failed relationship, we understand. But honestly, nobody likes a man who tags along for too long after it’s over. Don’t be that guy. No matter how much you still love her, you must understand when it is time to finally let go. Do not be scared of failed relationships. They surely hurt, but remember that it only means you’ll come out stronger. You must always know when it is time for you to stop tagging along. As soon as you sense the following signs, know that it is time to let go.

She Wants You To Be Someone Else
It is a sign that she doesn’t love you for who you are anymore. Cut yourself the slack and move on. It is better to lose her over losing yourself. Do not change yourself for anybody in the world. You owe this much to yourself.
It is a sign that she doesn’t love you for who you are anymore. Cut yourself the slack and move on. It is better to lose her over losing yourself. Do not change yourself for anybody in the world. You owe this much to yourself.

Her Actions Don’t Match Her Words
It simply means she doesn’t really mean all she says. Actions speak louder than words, remember. If you begin to feel you can no longer relate to what she says, it’s a sign you should let go.
It simply means she doesn’t really mean all she says. Actions speak louder than words, remember. If you begin to feel you can no longer relate to what she says, it’s a sign you should let go.

You Hate Your Life
Everything around you affects how your day goes, relationships especially. Think about it. Is it because of your strained rapport with your girlfriend? If your relationship is taking a toll on your life, she is really not worth it.
Everything around you affects how your day goes, relationships especially. Think about it. Is it because of your strained rapport with your girlfriend? If your relationship is taking a toll on your life, she is really not worth it.

You Find Yourself Forcing Her To Love You
There is nothing that is going to come out of this. You’re better off without someone who doesn’t really love you. If she really loves you, she wouldn’t give you any reason to doubt her intentions. If you still do, you know what it means.
There is nothing that is going to come out of this. You’re better off without someone who doesn’t really love you. If she really loves you, she wouldn’t give you any reason to doubt her intentions. If you still do, you know what it means.

You Find Yourself Sacrificing Your Own Happiness
You’re probably doing it just to save the relationship. But you know what, you’re as weak as you make yourself to be. When you have all the power to be what you want to be, why would you want to sacrifice it for someone who doesn’t love you back? It will only make you look clingy. Stop.
You’re probably doing it just to save the relationship. But you know what, you’re as weak as you make yourself to be. When you have all the power to be what you want to be, why would you want to sacrifice it for someone who doesn’t love you back? It will only make you look clingy. Stop.

Your Relationship Is Based Majorly On Sex
This is a clear cut sign that you two are no longer in love. Physical intimacy is the only thread that binds you. While this may be the perfect set up for any guy, if you’re really in love it could be the hardest time of your life. Break up because a better life awaits you.
This is a clear cut sign that you two are no longer in love. Physical intimacy is the only thread that binds you. While this may be the perfect set up for any guy, if you’re really in love it could be the hardest time of your life. Break up because a better life awaits you.

You’re Obsessing Over Her
This is the stage in a relationship you must really be wary of. Do not act needy. If she doesn’t love you anymore, it’s her loss more than it is yours. Of course it will be difficult at first, but once you’ve moved on you’d realise how wise the decision was.
By Ankush Bahuguna
This is the stage in a relationship you must really be wary of. Do not act needy. If she doesn’t love you anymore, it’s her loss more than it is yours. Of course it will be difficult at first, but once you’ve moved on you’d realise how wise the decision was.
By Ankush Bahuguna