Remember those insane moments when language failed you and you fell short of words, or worse - you trailed off in an uncertainly-pitched voice or a stammering laugh, when all you intended was a heartfelt compliment? Ease a bit. Compliments, if given in a correct way, can open the great doors to a girl's heart. But one wrong move; and your pursuits may result in a faux pas. We have listed three simple ways to nail the art of giving a compliment to the girl you have a secret crush on.
Be Chivalrous and Confident on What You Say
Say it with passion. Compose and enhance your gentlemanly poise and social savoir-faire. Make your remarks look appealing and convincing. Try talking about things you are comfy with and develop a rapport first. Keep your comment brief and don't gush, especially if you don't know her well. Try to be the admirer, not a fan or a sleazy guy whose intentions are always in question. Make her see how beautiful, smart, talented or gorgeous she is.
Go Beyond the Looks and Clichés
"I think you are hot" - if that is the only type of compliment a woman or girl ever hears, a very subtle but profound message is reinforced: you are what you look like. Period. There are so many other things you can admire her for. Try to observe and make a mental note of things you adore about her and let her know at the right time. Timing is very important for hitting the right chord. If you just utter some nonsense at an awkward pause or in the middle of some other conversation, it might not have the desired impact. Appreciate her smartness. It's always the beauty-with-brains combo that appeals to you, so don't forget to let her know how much you like the way her brain works. That way she will be able to judge that you don't go just by appearances and that other things count as well.
Keeping It Real
Women love it when they are admired for their feminine side - like how she takes care of everyone or how she brings a smile on everyone's face. Admire her sense of humor and also laugh at her jokes more often. Tell her how wonderful it is to be by her side. Women are generally good managers and multi-taskers. They will love it if you adore them for their managerial skills or a certain kind of quality they possess like their interest in artwork, taste in music or any tiny personal triumphs. Elevate her self-esteem by praising her for her work style, or her fashion sense - like how she puts together everything and always looks stunning.
By Neha Purawat
Be Chivalrous and Confident on What You Say
Say it with passion. Compose and enhance your gentlemanly poise and social savoir-faire. Make your remarks look appealing and convincing. Try talking about things you are comfy with and develop a rapport first. Keep your comment brief and don't gush, especially if you don't know her well. Try to be the admirer, not a fan or a sleazy guy whose intentions are always in question. Make her see how beautiful, smart, talented or gorgeous she is.

"I think you are hot" - if that is the only type of compliment a woman or girl ever hears, a very subtle but profound message is reinforced: you are what you look like. Period. There are so many other things you can admire her for. Try to observe and make a mental note of things you adore about her and let her know at the right time. Timing is very important for hitting the right chord. If you just utter some nonsense at an awkward pause or in the middle of some other conversation, it might not have the desired impact. Appreciate her smartness. It's always the beauty-with-brains combo that appeals to you, so don't forget to let her know how much you like the way her brain works. That way she will be able to judge that you don't go just by appearances and that other things count as well.
Keeping It Real
Women love it when they are admired for their feminine side - like how she takes care of everyone or how she brings a smile on everyone's face. Admire her sense of humor and also laugh at her jokes more often. Tell her how wonderful it is to be by her side. Women are generally good managers and multi-taskers. They will love it if you adore them for their managerial skills or a certain kind of quality they possess like their interest in artwork, taste in music or any tiny personal triumphs. Elevate her self-esteem by praising her for her work style, or her fashion sense - like how she puts together everything and always looks stunning.
By Neha Purawat